giovedì 18 maggio 2017

Shik - il vestito - Bakhtyar Khudojnazarov

Bakhtyar Khudojnazarov, regista di Luna Papa, morto a 50 anni qualche anno fa, ha fatto pochi film, ma la sua mano è riconoscibilissima.
un po' di realismo (magico, a volte), alla Kusturica, per avere un paragone, la storia è quella di tre amici che crescono in qualche piccola cittadina, il muro è caduto, ciascuno si arrangia, le famiglie sono esplose, i tre vedono in un vestito la cosa che li renderà più forti e rispettabili.
tutto è sfida e minaccia, poi la fuga, non per tutti, sarà la via d'uscita dal passato e da un presente immobile e minaccioso.
c'è anche da ridere, non temiate.
merita molto, buona visione - Ismaele

Tre amici, che trascorrono di solito il loro tempo fra piccoli furti e vandalismo, si scoprono un giorno perdutamente innamorati di un abito di Gucci, esposta in una vetrina di un elegante negozio. Decidono di averla, ma il tentativo di rubarlo fallisce di fronte ai dispositivi di sicurezza del negozio, e si trovano costretti ad acquistarlo legalmente con il denaro ricavato dalla loro attività. Una volta avuta l'abito, però, si pone un nuovo problema: come dividerlo fra loro. La rotazione sembra l'unica possibilità.

Khudojnazarov définit son film comme une « tragi-comédie » alternativement drôle et émouvante. Les personnages s'agitent, sautent, courent, cassent des vitrines, tentent de braquer une femme qu'ils finiront par confier aux bons soins d'un conducteur suite au déclenchement de contractions, aiment, pleurent, tombent… pour échapper à la réalité de la vie, à la confusion des sentiments, aux drames familiaux que chacun d'eux vit. Ce refus des réalités, représenté par cette perpétuelle mouvance, symbolise leur jeunesse, que la mort sacrificielle du Muet leur permettra de quitter. « Cette mort est non une fin mais le début d'une nouvelle vie » pour les deux autres amis.
Les trois jeunes gens sont interprétés par de jeunes acteurs inconnus, confrontés à trois acteurs professionnels reconnus. "Le Costume" est le premier film de Khudojnazarov tourné hors du Tadjikistan. Ce dernier ne s'y sentant plus en sécurité, il l'a dirigé en Crimée, au bord de la mer Noire. Les personnages évoluent donc dans un paysage intemporel, « un pays imaginaire où les espoirs sont ceux du passé et les angoisses celles d'aujourd'hui ». Khudojnazarov n'hésite pas à y aborder ses influences : Khoutsiev, Iosseliani, Truffaut… Mais "Le Costume" reste le 4ème film du réalisateur, après "Luna Papa" ('99), "Kosh ba kosh" ('93) et "Bratan" ('91), où l'évocation de la quête des parents et des conflits intergénérationnels est confirmée comme un thème récurrent dans sa filmographie.

Three adolescent friends decide that they need a nice, expensive suit for certain occasions. They succeed in purchasing it and every time when one of the friends wears it, he changes from a boy into a man. All three friends have their typical family problems; they all have divorced parents and mothers with some problems and fathers that don't bother about their sons. Although these family relations seem to be strange, in this movie they seem to be very normal in this society at the Black sea. The storyline is sparkling and original, the characters are superb, the landscape is a feast, the acting could be better, the speed is as youthful as the three main characters.
In a whole, a movie very worthwhile to enjoy, it's the kind of movie that will show you a culture that may seem to be very far away but is quite identical to the one you are living in.

I saw this movie about two Weeks ago and I still find myself thinking about it(always a sign that the movie is good...). The movie is called "Shik" which was translated to English as "The suit", a more correct translation probably would have been "Style". The movie is shot in a wonderful scenery, the location is a city with two river banks, one where the population is poor and barely goes by, and the other one populated by rich people, where there are expensive hotels and restaurants and where there is a store with a very stylish new suit in it's window. the heroes in the movie are 3 teenage boys from the poor side of the river, each with his own hardships and pains, they decide to buy the suit they see in the store. The suit is merely an object which helps them to change their life styles, to do things they would only dream about without it. The director does an excellent job in creating the strong contradiction between the wonderful views and the misery of the boys lives. for every good thing that happens to either of the boys there is also a bad one, the outlook of the movie is very pessimistic...just the very thing that makes it a great drama.

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