giovedì 9 marzo 2017

due ottimi film, in Palestina

stasera sono andato al Festival Al Ard e ho visto due film ottimi.

il primo film è:
Nevertheless, Al Quds" - Unai Aranzadi

un documentario distopico, che racconta di oggi, e non di domani.
in quel mondo uno fuori di testa può raccontare, e le leggi se le fa lui, che tutto quello che vede è suo, l'ha letto da qualche parte, e si può andare a casa della gente e prenderne possesso, sbattendo fuori i legittimi proprietari.
Dio me l'ha data e guai a chi la tocca, dicono lì, nel mondo reale gente così sarebbe sotto stretto controllo psichiatrico.
la realtà supera qualsiasi fantasia.

ecco il trailer:

il secondo film è:
The wanted 18 - Paul Cowan, Amer Shomali

non vi dico niente, solo che è un grande film, vedere per credere.
se vi piacerà la metà di quanto è piaciuto a me, vi piacerà moltissimo.
ecco il film completo:

Un po’ fiction, un po’ documentario, un po’ cartone animato, The Wanted 18, di Amer Shomali e Pal Cowan, è la storia, realmente accaduta, di 18 mucche ricercate dall’esercito israeliano nel paese palestinese di Beit Sahour che, durante la prima Intifada, ha provato a contrastare l’occupazione israeliana con il boicottaggio economico.
Una storia raccontata con ironia, usando la combinazione di animazione, interviste e ricostruzioni, candidata agli Oscar nella categoria delle pellicole in lingua straniera.
È stato “tremendo” usare l’umorismo per parlare della prima Intifada, ha spiegato Shomali, ma la formula a quanto pare ha funzionato e se il film strappa qualche risata, non si riduce di certo a una storiella comica. L’intenzione del fumettista-regista palestinese era di parlare di quei giorni di sollevazione popolare evitando di concentrarsi sui giovani palestinesi che lanciano pietre, l’immagine più associata alla prima Intifada…

Using stop-motion animation, interviews and drawings, The Wanted 18 captures the unbelievable moment in history with humour and depth. The animation provides an interesting touch as directors Amer Shomali and Paul Cowan frequently envision what the cows, four in particular, must have thought of being consider terrorist by their former homeland. While the directors have a lot of fun with the absurdity of the events, especially the 8 day search conducted by a hundred Israeli soldiers for the cows, The Wanted 18 is more than a farcical tale. It is a story about independence and the painful sacrifice that comes with it.
Shomali and Cowan capture the spirits of uprising by showing that the cows’ importance was more than mere milk producers. They were symbols of freedom and growth. They represented those who desired to end their oppression by being self-sufficient. The people of Beit Sahour knew that the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis was a much large and complex battle than simple issues of cattle. However, in their little corner of the resistance, the cows were the beacon of light that they could rally around to usher them out of the seemingly endless dark tunnel of their current existence…

The Wanted 18 is a unique take on the Israeli Palestine conflict. It shows in a light hearted and understated way how outlandish activities and positions can build up on both sides. The interviews are emotional while telling of the events many finding the period a high point in their lives. The directors though the use of the stop animation cows display how ones perspective can and would change based on the message you're being fed from either side of the wall. It is a film that I can definitely recommend.

There simply isn’t anything quite like The Wanted 18. It’s a true original. This ingenious documentary is often riotously entertaining thanks to the plucky humour of the cows, but it’s disarmingly moving, too, in its ability to morph these little mooers into agents of resistance. The talking cows share the same emotional and intellectual capacity that their human contemporaries enjoy—a point the film notes with one helpful interviewee—and The Wanted 18 builds to a climactic push as the cows offer the ultimate symbol for the stillborn future wrought by politics of oppression and violence. The Wanted 18 is one of the most entertaining and enlightening films you’ll see this year.

Rivka la pacifique, Ruth qui n’aime pas les palestiniens, Lola fan de Madonna et Goldie, la plus jeune, commentent les faits, revivent les événements et se font ainsi les portes parole de l’Histoire d’une manière plus récréative, sans pour autant diminuer la portée du propos. Hautement symboliques, ces ruminants pacifiques portent en eux l’esprit de révolte de palestiniens tout aussi pacifiques.
Habile combinaison d’animation image par image, d’illustrations, d’entrevues et de documents d’archive, Les 18 Fugitives est une œuvre dotée d’une appréciable originalité, à la fois dans la forme et dans le fond.
da qui

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